Below are some of the ranked practitioners who recently shared their views on topical IP law and practice issues.

The basics of IP commercialisation

IP transactions star Mark Anderson wrote an article for Managing IP explaining the different ways to monetise or commercialise intellectual property rights. In his article, he talked about methods such as licensing IP rights. Anderson also explained the different methods of IP valuation. Read the article here.

Diversity in IP

Darren Smyth provided his opinion on diversity and inclusion challenges in the IP profession. Read the article here.

GIs in UK-Australia trade deal

Daniel Wilson and Lindesay Low were quoted in an article exploring the significance of geographical indications (GIs) in the trade deal between the UK and Australia. Read the article here.

Overcoming Brazil's patent term ruling

Ricardo Nunes talked about how pharmaceutical companies can deal with the impact of Brazil's Supreme Court ruling which declared the 10-year patent term adjustment provision unconstitutional. Read his comments here and further coverage of the case here.

Litigating life sciences patent in Europe

Loïc Lemercier spoke at the Managing IP Life Sciences Forum this month to share his knowledge of patent litigation in Europe. Read the coverage of the event here.

New rules for the Western District of Texas court

Kathi Vidal commented on Judge Alan Albright’s recent standing orders which introduced limits on venue and jurisdictional discovery in patent cases. Read the article here.


Other news you might have missed

Read our latest coverage of hires, departures and other firm news in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region here.

Managing IP's news roundup last week included Germany's patent law amendment to deal with injunctions and the top 100 universities for patent. Read the roundup here.

The EPO published the decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal which confirmed that the prohibition on double patenting is covered within the meaning of Article 125 of the European Patent Convention. Read about decision G 4/19 here.