The 50 most influential people in IP (MIP 50 list) is Managing IP's annual publication featuring individuals who are shaping IP law, debate, policy and business throughout the world. These individuals are considered to be influential now and/or are likely to be in the future.

One of the criteria is that practitioners in private practice are excluded, except in very exceptional circumstances. For example, this year's list features IP star Fiona Nicolson and two senior IP barristers Lindsay Lane and Charlotte May of 8 New Square. The list typically includes in-house counsel, public body officials and academics, as well as celebrities that have had a particularly big recent impact on IP.

For the avoidance of doubt, the MIP 50 list is not a rankings publication (like IP STARS) and the individuals are selected by Managing IP's editorial team.

The list is normally published in Managing IP's November/December issue. If you have any feedback or suggestions for next year's edition please send them to Ed Conlon at

See the full list here (trial or subscription required).