Managing IP is part of the global IP community.

Apart from reporting on important news and providing insights, Managing IP has also used its platforms and position in the industry to encourage discourse on many issues in order to improve the IP ecosystem.

Today we celebrate International Women’s Day, recognising the great achievements of women as well as promoting this good cause. Focusing on the IP world, we walk the walk through:

• Supporting IP Inclusive (MIP signed up to its charter in 2016; read more here)

• Managing IP’s Top 250 Women in IP (first published in 2013 to showcase some of the leading female IP practitioners; read the 2019 edition here)

• Women in IP events (we hosted our inaugural Women in IP event in 2014; see past and future events here)

• MIP Women in IP Global Network (launched in 2016; read about the network here)

The good news is that we’re seeing progress and results on the issue of diversity and inclusion, but we’re not complacent. Of course, more can be done and we’re open to ideas, feedback and collaboration.

As an international publication, we have diverse teams across our offices in Hong Kong, London and New York.

We don’t just talk about diversity, we live it each day.

Happy International Women’s Day!