Managing IP has today launched the research for the 2021 edition of IP STARS rankings and Managing IP Awards.

Click here to read about why it is important to participate in the research.

Submit your research forms

Firms are invited to complete our research forms, i.e. the firm questionnaire and client referees spreadsheet, and submit them via our submission portal.

The deadline to upload your documents is October 31, 2020, unless otherwise agreed or announced.

We do not accept research forms via email.

The research forms, submission portal and guidelines can be found here


Research process

We will analyse the research forms submitted and conduct our own independent research. As part of the research process, we will also obtain feedback from individuals in private practice and in-house practice through surveys and interviews.

An interview is not mandatory, and we regret that we may not be able to accommodate all interview requests because of the size of the project and time constraints.


Results publication

After our research, we will publish the new IP STARS rankings and shortlists for the Managing IP Awards. We normally start publishing our results from February. Readers should expect more information on our publication timeline early next year. Follow our rankings publication announcements on the 'News & Features' page.


Learn more

Join our webinar on September 17 (register here) to learn more about our research and ask questions.

You can also read about our research, including frequently asked questions, here. Please also keep an eye on our news page (here) for further announcements, follow us on Twitter and/or join our LinkedIn group page. If you still have questions after reading the information on this website please write to