Managing IP’s March issue includes our patent rankings, analysis of Waymo and Uber’s trade secrets settlement, details of Argentina’s surprise IP rule changes and an in-depth look at new uses for existing drugs.

MIP March 2018

Also featured is:

·         An interview with new INTA president Tish Berard

·         An explanation of Argentina's rule changes for patents, trade marks and designs

·         Analysis of lessons from Waymo v Uber, and what issues remain unresolved since the enactment of the Defend Trade Secrets Act

·         An in-depth look at the development of new uses for existing drugs and the complex questions it raises about patent law, regulation, economics and health policy.

The issue also features our international briefings, bringing updates from around the globe, as well as our regular Utynam column of IP curiosities and controversies.

Subscribers can read all this online now; non-subscribers can take a free trial for limited access.