Please note that our research and results publication dates below are subject to change each year.

We will publish an announcement on this website when research results are available. Follow our updates on the news and features page.

Research timeline

August: We will send out an email with details about our research for the next edition

September 1: We start accepting firm submissions, conducting independent research and scheduling market interviews

October 31: Firm questionnaire and client referees submission deadline*

October - December: Research interviews

December - March: Client referee feedback and practitioner survey starts**

May: Rising Stars survey***

July: End of the research for the current year's edition

* Any deadline that falls on a Saturday or Sunday is automatically extended to Monday.

** We can contact referees at any time between December and March, and we'll first process documents submitted on time, i.e. between September 1 and October 31. Our emails are sent from our general research email address (see here) or the email address of one of our editors. Our first practitioner survey is for the senior IP practitioners, especially the IP Stars. Any IP partner can complete our IP Practitioner Survey.

***We launch our Rising Stars survey after we have closed the senior IP practitioner survey. Any IP practitioner who can meet the criteria for the Rising Stars list can participate in the survey.


Please also read the information on the following pages:



Research forms and guidelines

About our research

Rankings publication

Normally, we start publishing the rankings for the year in March, though this is subject to change. Please read the latest updates on the news and features page.


The Managing IP Awards

The winners and shortlists for the annual Managing IP Awards programme are published on Read about the awards and the previous winners here.

Our marketing/business development team will inform firms and individuals about the IP STARS rankings and Managing IP Awards.

Keep up to date with our research and results publication by following us on social media (Twitter and LinkedIn) and regularly checking our news page (here). You can also sign up to receive our newsletter.


Firm reviews

The editorial content under the 'Review' tab is from the previous edition of IP STARS. The content will be reviewed and updated, if necessary, starting with firm with profiles.

Firms can contact us here if there is an urgent need to update certain information, especially practitioner names, sooner rather than later.