Yesterday, October 31, was the deadline for firms to submit their firm questionnaire and client referees document for the 2020 edition of IP STARS and Managing IP awards.

Extended deadline and terms

Managing IP has today officially extended the deadline to November 14 to allow some firms to make their submissions. Firms using this new deadline should please note that this is our final official deadline extension and that our research analysts will start making decisions this month using available submissions.

Firm questionnaire and client referee documents received after November 14 may not be processed or considered. Any further extension, which will be very short, is at the discretion of the researcher and will only be offered in exceptional circumstances.

Next steps

Our research analysts will prioritise on-time submissions. They have already started processing/reviewing the submissions received so far and conducting interviews/independent research in order to make decisions on the 2020 rankings and awards.

We will also start contacting client referees this month.

Why it is important for firms to submit

We will use the submissions received to decide the firm/individual rankings and Managing IP awards for 2020. Unranked firms that consistently submit each year also stand a chance of being featured on our website. Find out more, including the submission process, here.

Further reading

Our research

Research methodology

Research timeline

Research forms and guidelines