We are pleased to announce our main deadlines for the research and publication schedule for the 2018 edition of Managing Intellectual Property IP STARS and Managing IP Awards. 

Below are some of the important dates to note. All the dates are available on our research timeline page https://www.ipstars.com/general/timeline. We will add more dates and information to that page in due course. Please also note that the dates may change. Any changes will be announced on this website or communicated via email or our Twitter page, @IP_STARS.

Please read our research methodology here, guidelines/FAQs here, and general information about IP STARS here.
Firm case studies and referees submission
Opens: September 11 2017 (on this date firms will receive a link to the necessary documents and our online submission portal)
Submission deadline: November 13 2017

Interviews with firms and client referees
Starts: September 18 2017 (on this date researchers will start scheduling interviews)
Ends: February 28 2018

Survey of individual IP practitioners
Starts: November 21 2017 (on this date current IP stars will receive the link to our online survey)
Ends: January 31 2018

Managing Intellectual Property Awards 2018
Shortlists announced: February 2018
Awards Ceremonies: March 2018

Publication of 2018 firm rankings in MIP magazine*
Trade mark rankings: February 5 2018
Patent rankings: March 1 2018
Copyright & design rankings: April 2 2018

Publication of IP STARS 2018 Handbooks*
IP STARS (United States edition): May 2018
Trade Mark/Copyright Handbook (Global edition): May 2018
Patent Handbook (Global edition): July 2018

*There will be an embargoed release of the firm rankings and the individual IP stars of 2018 before the above dates.

About our research
IP STARS research analysts obtain information from firms and individual practitioners (including in-house counsel) through online surveys, emails and interviews. They also conduct independent desk research for relevant data such as IP offices and court records.

All this information is thoroughly evaluated and used to produce our firm rankings, firm ranking editorials, IP stars lists and Managing IP awards. The results of our research are published between February and July each year.

If you have any questions please contact research@managingip.com