Petter Rindforth

Fenix Legal - Sweden

Managing Partner / Head of Law- and Trademark Department

Brahegatan 44
Stockholm 114 37

Trade mark star 2024




Practice areas:

Copyright & related rights
Trade mark

Industry sectors:

Artificial intelligence
Film & music
Food & beverage

Petter has a Master of law from the University of Stockholm. He is a European Trademark & Design Attorney and a trained Mediator (member of the INTA International Panel of Neutrals). Petter is an expert in cyberlaw and serves as arbitrator/panellist for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Arbitration and Mediation Center, the ADR Forum, the Swedish Internet Infrastructure Foundation (IIS) and the Czech Arbitration Court.

Petter is further an expert in trademark issues on the Internet, member of the AIPPI ADR Standing Committee, the ABA Trademarks & the Internet Committee, the Internet Committee of INTA, as well as Special Reporter (ICANN) of the Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (FICPI), representing FICPI in the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) of ICANN.

Petter has also experience of patent and design disputes in administrative and civil courts. He is a registered EPO Legal Practitioner and is entitled to undertake professional representation before the European Patent Office.

Petter is President of the Association of Swedish Patent Attorneys (SPOF), since 2019, a position he also served between 2009-2013. He also serves as member of the ECTA Supervisory Board.

Education/Alumni: Master of Law from University of Stockholm

Network Memberships:

  • INTA
  • ECTA
  • IPS
  • SPOF
  • SIPF
  • SFIR
  • ABA