Equity Partner

11F., No. 100, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei 110016, Taiwan, R.O.C.


Patent star 2024

Top 250 Women in IP 2024

Trade mark star 2024

Mandarin Chinese



Practice areas:

Patent litigation
Trade mark litigation
Trade secrets/confidential information

Industry sectors:

Computer technology & services
Fashion & luxury goods

Dr. Joyce Ho is a partner with Tsar & Tsai Law Firm. Joyce specializes in intellectual property law, antitrust law, data protection law, technology law, dispute resolution, corporate law and international transaction and investment.

Joyce assists clients, including many international leading High-tech companies, multinational pharmaceutical groups, international well-known Luxury brands on IP right protection and litigations and corporate matters in Taiwan. As an expert in antitrust and unfair competition laws, Joyce’s practice also concentrates on assisting clients in antitrust, merger, concerted action and unfair competition case and advising clients on litigation and licensing strategies for IP rights. She also represents world leading cell-phone companies to handle patent and antitrust disputes regarding standard essential patents. She also assists the foreign clients for the compliance for investment in Taiwan, labor law issues and personal data protection issues.

Joyce’s work also includes assisting clients on customs issues relating to counterfeiting products and has assisted numerous clients on foreign litigations relating to IP disputes.

Joyce is regularly consulted by relevant government agencies and various industry associations on IP right protection and antitrust issues and a frequent speaker for seminars hosted by industry associations on protection of IP rights, the interaction of IP rights and antitrust law, and strategies for IP disputes.

Joyce is an active member in the legal community. She was the Executive Director and Supervisor of Taipei Bar Association, the Chair of Trademark Committee and the Director of Taiwan Patent Attorney Association, the international councilor and co-chairperson of the Anti-counterfeiting Committee of Asia Patent Attorneys Association (“APAA”), and serves as the President of APAA Taiwan Group, Executing Supervisor of Taipei Bar Association, and Professor Rank Specialist of Business Administration Department of National Taiwan University for “IP Course”.

Year Joined Firm: 1994


  • National Taiwan University, Law School (LL.B.; LL.M.; Ph.D.)
  • University of Washington, Law School (LL.M. )

Network Memberships:

  • Taipei Bar Association
  • Taiwan Patent Attorney Association
  • Asia Patent Attorneys Association (APAA)
  • International Trademark Association (INTA)
  • International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
  • Licensing Executive Society (LES)


Last updated 24 September 2021