Gert Würtenberger

Meissner Bolte - Germany


Munich 80538

+49 89 2121860

Trade mark star 2024




  • Trademark registration and infringement proceedings, plant variety protection (application and enforcement), contract drafting in licensing matters
  • EU law and antitrust law
  • Author of the leading German commentary on national and European plant variety protection as well as initiator and co author of the book "European Union Plant Variety Protection
  • Chairman of the South German Arbitration Court for Seed and Plant Variety Protection Disputes
  • President of the GRUR
  • Chairman of the GRUR Technical Committee for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants

Professional Memberships

  • GRUR
  • INTA
  • ECTA
  • ITMA
  • Deutsch Polnische Juristenvereinigung e.V. (German Polish Lawyers’ Association)


  • Legal studies at the Faculty of Law of the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich and School of Economics, London
  • Internships, inter alia, at the Indo German Chamber of Commerce, Mumbai, and at the law firm Matsuo + Kossugi, Tokyo
  • Scholarship Legal Studies, King’s College, London
  • Doctorate at the University of Marburg, dissertation on the subject “Die Priorität im Sortenschutzrecht ” [Priority Rights in Plant Variety Law] (1993)