Partner, Head of Legal Practice Advocate

26A Habarzel st.
Tel Aviv


Patent star 2024

Trade mark star 2024




Practice areas:

Copyright litigation
Patent litigation
Trade mark litigation

Eran’s main field of expertise is litigation of intellectual property rights (patents, patent term extensions, plant breeders’ rights, copyright, trade secrets, trademarks and designs), unjust enrichment and competition law as well as complex litigations, particularly those involving issues of technology and management of multi jurisdiction IP litigations.

Eran has vast experience appearing before Israeli courts at all levels and before the Patents, Designs, and Trademarks Registrar.

Eran is well-versed in the fields of Intellectual Property; High Technology; Technology Transfer and licensing, Digital Health, Big Data Licensing Competition Law; Agency and Distributorships; Regulatory Law (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices); Defense and Homeland Security Industry and Governmental Companies.

Among his other activities, Eran was involved in the legislative process in the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) relating to his expertise (Patents Law and Regulations, Pharmacists Ordinance, Copyright Law), acting on behalf of various entities. He represented the Israeli Bar association at a special forum of professional members of the Patents industry established by the Israeli Patents Office.
Eran serves as a consultant for intellectual property matters to the Accountant General’s Division of the Ministry of Finance of the State of Israel.

Recently Eran was selected to represent the Civil Enforcement Unit of Israel’s Ministry of Justice, which is in charge of inter alia enforcing the State civil rights. Eran’s appointment concerns disputes surrounding invention made by state employees (service inventions).

Eran was elected in the end of 2016 (in elections open to all members of AIPPI Israel organization, who constitute a major part of active Intellectual Property professionals in Israel) to be the secretary of the Israeli AIPPI organization a position he holds to date.


Education/Alumni: LL.B. (cum laude), 1990, Tel Aviv University

Network Memberships: AIPPI, ECTA, LES



Last updated 14th June 2021