Emmanuel Gougé

Pinsent Masons - France


21 Rue Balzac
Paris 75008

+33 1 53 53 02 80

Patent star 2024

Trade mark star 2024




Practice areas:

IP transactions
Patent litigation
Trade secrets/confidential information

Industry sectors:

Aerospace & defence
Life sciences

Emmanuel Gougé is heading Pinsent Masons intellectual property law practice in Paris and has over 25 years of experience as a lawyer. 

Emmanuel specializes in intellectual property, dealing with contentious and transactional matters. He also focuses his practice on technology, patents and know-how. Dually qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales and as a lawyer in France, he has been involved in a range of domestic and multi-jurisdictional patent and technology disputes.

Emmanuel's experience is complemented by his expertise in negotiating and drafting technology transfer agreements, with a focus on healthcare and life sciences, electronics, automotive and aerospace industry sectors. He also has specific experience in FRAND (licensing) and patent pool Structuring. He fluently speaks and works in French, English and German.

Emmanuel is now leading the European Committee of the Licensing Executive Society International (LESI) after being President of the L.E.S. France from 2011 to 2015. In July 2020, Emmanuel Gougé has been appointed Director of the Diploma on Patent Litigation in Europe with the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI).

He regularly lectures on IP & licensing at the European Patent Academy (European Patent Office), Ecole Supérieure des Mines de Paris, HEC Business School as well as the CEIPI in Strasbourg (France).

Year Joined Firm: 2012


  • Solicitor in England and Wales
  • College of Law, London
  • Admitted to the Paris Bar
  • Diploma of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques (Paris), specialisation in Economics and Finance (Eco-Fi)
  • DEA (Master's degree) in Intellectual Property Law, specialisation in Patent Law, Panthéon-Assas University – Paris II
  • French-German Master of German and Business Law, Panthéon-Assas University – Paris II and Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich

Network Memberships: Licence Excutive Society (L.E.S), Chair of the European Committee, AIPPI, EPLAW