
1 Giralda Farms

NJ, 07940


Patent star 2024

Practice areas:

Patent litigation
Trade mark litigation

Industry sectors:

ICT & software
Medical devices
Technology hardware

Connie Huttner is a trial lawyer whose current practice focuses on trials and appeals involving Abbreviated New Drug Applications. Ms. Huttner has also handled patent cases in other technology areas, including medical devices, computer software and hardware, business methods, wind turbines, cosmetics, electronic devices, coatings and other chemical products and pumps and other mechanical devices. She has also litigated cases involving false advertising, trademark, patent licensing and trade secret matters. Ms. Huttner has also provided non-litigation patent opinions and counseling in connection with mergers and acquisitions and other corporate transactions.

Prior to focusing her practice on intellectual property matters, Ms. Huttner litigated cases arising out of contests for corporate control, including hostile takeovers, proxy contests, and shareholder litigation. She has also litigated contract, insurance and other commercial disputes as well as contested bankruptcy matters.


Year Joined Firm: 2019


  • J.D., Order of the Coif, Boston College, 1980
  • B.S., Cellular Immunology with Honors in the Liberal Arts, Ohio State University, 1977



Last updated 15th August 2019