Stine Sønstebø

Bryn Aarflot - Norway


Stortingsgata 8
Oslo 0161


Trade mark star 2024




Practice areas:

Copyright & related rights
Trade mark
Trade secrets/confidential information

Industry sectors:

Fashion & luxury goods
Food & beverage
Life sciences
Renewable energy

Stine has extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of IP law as a field. She is involved in general and strategic IP advising, including preliminary investigations, negotiations, conflict resolution, safeguarding and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Stine is dedicated to especially trademark, copyright law and the protection of trade secrets, and regularly attends national and international seminars and conferences, in addition to being both a board member and committee member in various professional organizations.

Her clients range from national SMBs to larger international corporations in all industries.

Stine has recently completed the EUIPO Trade and Design Education Program (ETMD EP), which provides solid knowledge of all aspects within EU trademarks and EU design.

Year Joined Firm: 2023

Education/Alumni: Universtity of Oslo, University of Mannheim

Network Memberships: INTA, ECTA, FICPI, AIPPI, Norwegian Bar Association