Stanley D Ference III

Ference & Associates - United States

Founding Principal Attorney

409 Broad Street

PA 15143

+1 412 741 8400

Patent star 2024

Trade mark star 2024


Practice areas:

Trade mark

Industry sectors:

Computer technology & services

Stanley Ference is the founder and Managing Partner of Ference & Associates. Knowing he would be a lawyer since childhood, Stanley’s education in engineering opened the doors to not only creating new technology, but, as a lawyer, protecting it for inventors. A thirst for curiosity, life-long love of learning, and deep relationships across industries propelled his practice.

Having worked in New York law firms, Stanley brought his practice to Pittsburgh, now a tech hub in the eastern U.S. He works with large global companies throughout the world, providing strategic advice on large, IP portfolios. He is a pioneer in litigation for online brand protection against counterfeit sellers and has secured hundreds of millions of dollars in judgments in this novel type of litigation in just the last two years.

A seasoned practitioner with eyes to the future, Stanley’s goal is to continue to fuel innovation for global companies through thoughtful advice, challenging clients to new levels and protecting their assets. At the same time, the team at Ference & Associates continues to work together to achieve that goal while finding innovation solutions to protect ideas and grow businesses in the ever-evolving world of online business.


Year Joined Firm: 1998

Education/Alumni: Union College

Network Memberships: International Trademark Association



Last updated 10th June 2020