Jacobacci & Partners

Head Office Address:
Corso Emilia, 8
Turin 10152


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Jacobacci & Partners has 95 professionals in 13 offices in 3 countries in Europe (Italy, Spain, and France), supported by 300 paralegals and administration staff.

Our team of highly specialized professionals manage a portfolio of around 120,000 brands for clients of all types: we provide assistance in all areas of brand management, ranging from registration of a company logo to fighting against counterfeiting on a global scale. We work with the client to build a strategy that aims to correctly value, protect and defend their intellectual property rights. IP professionals in the firm’s trademark department have specialties in fashion and cosmetic industries, food, automotive, mechanical, pharmaceutical and agriculture sectors, to cite a few.

Jacobacci & Partners manages over 100,000 patents across a wide variety of subject matter, from mechanics to electronics and software, from industrial and pharmaceutical chemistry to biotechnologies and nanotechnologies.  We represent clients in the filing of patents at the national, European and international level and have been involved in complex patent litigation for over 140 years dating back to an infringement action concerning Edison’s light bulb.

The Local Business Development Team is composed of a selected group of trademark and patent attorneys having principal business activity in the small and local regions of Italy, France and Spain, with a client portfolio mainly devoted to SMEs. The aim of the team is to collect and share best practices for assisting the SMEs in the local regions and to foster business development in those areas with the aim to share inside the entire Jacobacci group such best practices among the colleagues.

The firm’s code of ethics is regularly updated, respecting and enhancing the concept of diversity through its diversity policy, which ensures all employees are treated equally with regard to diversity and inclusion. With a female CEO, and many women in central roles, we cannot fail to be a company projected towards inclusion and ever greater gender equality.

Numerous corporate social initiatives have been set up in view of a company policy that harmonizes economic objectives with the social and environmental ones of the reference territory, with the aim of preserving the environmental, social and human heritage for present and future generations. These initiatives relate to the quality, reliability and safety of the product, but also to the safeguard of the environment and health and energy saving, according to a management approach that considers not only strong economic results, but also the wider impact that the company produces, through its work, on society and the environment.

In order to improve working conditions and create a better place and working environment for everyone, the leadership of Jacobacci & Partners has launched the JforYou project starting in January 2023. This project represents an organic and continuous plan, comprising concrete initiatives, dedicated to all people working in our company, with the aim of improving the work environment and promoting a better work-life balance.

Network Memberships

Sector Expertise

  • Aeronautics
  • Architecture
  • Automotive
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Construction + Building Materials
  • Defence inc. Aerospace, Security and Unmanned Aerial System
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Fashion
  • Financial Services + E-Commerce
  • Food & Beverage
  • Green Technology
  • Industrial Manufacturing
  • Information Science
  • Technology + Communications
  • Luxury Goods
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Media
  • Entertainment & Publishing
  • Medical Devices
  • Robotics + Nanotechnology
  • Optics
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Biotechnology + Life Sciences
  • Retail
  • Semiconductors
  • Space Technology
  • Sports + Fitness
  • Travel

Last updated 11th June 2024