Håmsø Patentbyrå


Forusparken 2
NO-4031 Stavanger


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Key contacts:

Managing Director: Rasmus Gjesing
Krister Mangersnes: Head of Patents
Reidun Rosså Korsberg: Head of Trade Marks and Designs

Quick facts:

Established: 1950
Number of Partners: 7
Number of IP Practitioners: 15
Languages: Norwegian, English, German, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish
Network Memberships: FICPI, EPI, FONIP

Håmsø Patentbyrå AS is one of Norway’s leading firms of patent and trademark attorneys. The firm acts for a variety of clients, including individuals, SMEs, research institutions and corporates - to obtain and maintain patents, registered trademarks and registered designs.

In the area of patents, the firm has a solid foundation of EQE qualified European Patent Attorneys who specialise in drafting and prosecuting patent applications. Over recent years, the firm has been one of the top filers of new patent applications from private practice prosecution firms in Norway.

The firm is regularly and increasingly instructed by overseas patent and trademark firms, e.g. private practice firms from the USA and elsewhere, to represent clients locally at the European Patent Office (as well as the Norwegian IP Office). We are regularly called upon to assist in litigation, questions of infringement and validity, due diligence and product clearance work.

We represent clients directly before the Norwegian IP Office and the European Patent Office. In the last couple of years, we have also acted directly in oral hearings including in opposition proceedings at the EPO. Several of our attorneys are certified to act or have practiced in other European jurisdictions. This provides us with in depth international experience, and on this basis we also act directly in certain proceedings before other IP offices in Europe, such as the UK, Sweden and Denmark. We also routinely prosecute cases for clients in proceedings before other IP offices in jurisdictions worldwide through our network of overseas associate attorneys.

Seven different nationalities are represented in our team of attorneys. The team draws on experience from private practice and in-house IPR departments from major European jurisdictions. The patent team members all have technical degrees, and several attorneys have practical experience from engineering or technology companies. Furthermore, several of our patent attorneys are PhD qualified.

Håmsø Patentbyrå AS is the Scandinavian representative of the pan-European AIPEX-network which specialises in bespoke, one-point-of-contact IP solutions and management for international technology companies with significant European IP portfolios. Håmsø Patentbyrå AS continues to act as regional counsel within AIPEX on large patent portfolios for such companies.

Håmsø Patentbyrå AS has experienced 70 years of continuous growth. In 2019, ownership changed hands to a new partnership of seven of the firm's existing team including its CEO, head of patent department, head of trademark and design department and several European qualified patent attorneys.

Our head office is in the Stavanger region of South West Norway, in what is arguably the most innovative region of the country. The firm continues to enjoy a solid local client base and regular instructions for new patent and trademark filings from domestic and international companies. 


Network Memerships:

  • Foreningen for norske IP-rådgivere (FONIP)
  • Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (FICPI)
  • Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI)
  • The Netherlands Institute of Patent Attorneys
  • The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (UK)
  • Norwegian Association of Intellectual Property Administrators (NAIPA)
  • International Trademark Association (INTA)
  • A European association representing the interests of brand owners (Marques)


Practice Areas: Designs, Intellectual property (contentious), Intellectual property (prosecution), IP transactions, Patent, Trade mark prosecution, Trade mark contentious, Patent contentious, Patent prosecution, Trade mark, PTAB litigation

Sector Expertise: Agriculture, Automotive, Aquaculture, Construction & materials, Electrical, Electronics, Industrials, Manufacturing, Mechanical, Mining, Nanotechnology, Oil & gas, Renewable energy, Robotics, Sports, Telecommunication, Technology hardware, Food & beverage, Furniture, Gaming