De Vries & Metman


Overschiestraat 180
Amsterdam 1062 XK

Tel:+31 20 511 0930

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De Vries & Metman (“DVME”) is a leading patent attorney firm in the Netherlands with offices in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda and Eindhoven. With its main office in Amsterdam, DVME is widely recognised as a high-quality patent attorney firm. Its client portfolio ranges from global operating multinationals to high-tech start-ups, universities and research institutions. DVME represents clients before the Dutch, Belgian and European Patent Office (EPO). DVME has a technically qualified attorney at law and many of its attorneys have industry experience.

In addition to its patent prosecution work, DVME has strong expertise in handling technically and legally complex patent cases and is therefore frequently asked to assist law firms in patent litigation proceedings. DVME has been involved in many high-profile patent litigation proceedings. Further services include freedom-to-operate analyses, patent clearances, due diligence work, EPO opposition and appeal procedures, patent portfolio management, foreign patent issues for domestic clients and licensing matters. DVME is partner of various incubators that assist start-ups and university spin-offs in IP matters.

DVME’s attorneys actively participate in different IP organisations and educational bodies, including the Institute of Professional Representatives before the EPO, the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property Dutch Group, the European Patent Litigators Association and the Examination Committee of the European Qualifying Exam, tutoring trainees for the Dutch and European qualifying exams and lecturing on patent law for science students at the Delft University of Technology and Leiden University.

Network Memberships:  AIPPI, EPLIT


Sector Expertise:

  • Aeronautics
  • Automotive
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Construction + Building Materials
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Food & Beverage
  • Green Technology
  • Industrial Manufacturing
  • Information Science; Technology + Communications
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Medical Devices
  • Robotics + Nanotechnology
  • Optics
  • Pharmaceuticals; Biotechnology + Life Sciences
  • Semiconductors
  • Space Technology